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Fasken - Calgary, Alberta

Professional Development

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Coaching/mentoring program? Yes
Details of coaching/mentoring program Summer students each have a summer student mentor during their summer with us. Articling students have both a principal who is typically a partner, as well as a student mentor, who is an associate.

We have an associate mentorship program through which each associate is assigned a mentor in their broad practice area. Through our Alberta Women's Network, women associates and counsel also have a women's mentor in a different practice area.
Evaluations Annual
Upward reviews? No
Students are interested in specific professional development opportunities you provide. Please provide examples. We have a comprehensive orientation program to help welcome new summer students and articling students to the firm. During both their summer and articling experiences, we also host a variety of seminars specifically designed for articling students during articling, and for summer students during May and June. We host a variety of other seminars for lawyers and students throughout the year which we encourage students to attend.
Professional development staff? Yes
Do you offer internal continuous legal education (CLE)? Yes
Do you provide funds to attend external CLE? Yes