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Fasken - Calgary, Alberta

Pro Bono Information

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Pro Bono Information

Does your organization have a pro bono policy? No
Does your organization track pro bono time? Yes
Highlight pro bono work All lawyers and students are encouraged to be involved in community service and to accept pro bono matters on a case-by-case basis.
Is billable hour credit given for pro bono work? Case-by-Case
Comments Our lawyers and law students routinely provide pro bono legal services to a wide variety of organizations, at the local, national and international level. Our pro bono efforts range from direct assistance to those who have difficulty in accessing the justice system, to advising governments in emerging markets on enabling frameworks for the introduction of humanitarian programs. Our pro bono efforts have been recognized by Lexpert magazine and Canadian Lawyer, among others.

Our lawyers regularly volunteer for a number of legal organizations in Calgary. We are also actively involved in assisting numerous Canadian NGOs, Not for Profits and Charities directly. Projects have included pro bono legal services to Hackergal Canada, and the Canadian Paralympic Committee.
Highlight Community Involvement Our lawyers and students are involved in a wide range of community activities. Some of these activities are highlighted here:

Our articling student classes organize a fundraising campaign each year for our firm, to support a charity or organization they select. Students find this to be a rewarding experience, and a favourite part of their articling year.