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Bennett Jones LLP - Toronto, Ontario

Recruitment & Hiring

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  1st Yr. Summer 2nd Yr. Summer Articling Students
Do you hire: Occasionally Yes Yes
How many did you/will you hire for:
2022 1 27 24
2023 0 23 25
2024 Case to Case 23 23
2025 Case to Case 18-22 18-22
2026 Case to Case 18-22 18-22
Rotation No No Yes
Split/Secondment No Case-by-Case Yes

First Year Summer Students


Do you recruit first year summer students?
When is the application deadline for first year summer students? In accordance with LSO Guidelines
When is the interviewing period? In accordance with LSO Guidelines
Do you participate in on-campus interview (OCI) programs to fill such positions? No
Description of first year summer program: Our students receive a broad exposure to the practice of law and to our firm culture. Students experience real file work, meet clients, get involved in transactions and the litigation process. Students do not rotate practice areas during the summer and are able to experience work from a wide variety of practice areas or, alternatively, can focus in an area of interest. Students are paired with an associate mentor who will introduce them to the firm and provide guidance throughout the summer. They are also placed into mentoring pods to increase their exposure to other lawyers and working relationships within the firm. Students are encouraged to play an active part in firm life, including participating in firm-wide pro bono and student social events.
How many weeks is the first year summer program? 12-14 weeks

Second Year Summer Students


Do you recruit second year summer students?
When is the application deadline for second year summer students? In accordance with LSO Guidelines
When is the interviewing period? In accordance with LSO Guidelines
Do you participate in on-campus interview (OCI) programs to fill such positions? Yes
Description of the second year summer program Our students receive a broad exposure to the practice of law and to our firm culture. Students experience real file work, meet clients, get involved in transactions and the litigation process. Students do not rotate practice areas during the summer and are able to experience work from a wide variety of practice areas or, alternatively, can focus in an area of interest. Students are paired with an associate mentor who will introduce them to the firm and provide guidance throughout the summer. They are also placed into mentoring pods to increase their exposure to other lawyers and working relationships within the firm. Students are encouraged to play an active part in firm life, including participating in firm-wide pro bono and student social events.
How many weeks is the second year summer program? 12-14 weeks


Will you be participating in OCIs this year? Yes
Schools: Dalhousie University, Dalhousie Law|McGill University, Faculty of Law|Osgoode Hall Law School, York University|Queen's University, Faculty of Law|Thompson Rivers University|University of Alberta, Faculty of Law|University of British Columbia, Faculty of Law|University of Calgary, Faculty of Law|University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law|University of New Brunswick, Faculty of Law|University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law, Common Law Section|Université d’Ottawa, Faculté de droit, Section de droit civil|University of Saskatchewan, College of Law|University of Toronto, Faculty of Law|University of Victoria, Faculty of Law|University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Law|University of Windsor, Faculty of Law|Ryerson University, Lincoln Alexander School of Law

Other Campus Recruiting

We will be recruiting students from the following law schools (outside of the OCI process)
Comments We accept applications for summer positions through the student portal and students from all law schools, including NCA applicants, are able and encouraged to apply.
2023 2024
No. of 1st Year Summer Students n/a n/a
No. of 1st Year Summer Students Offered Articling Positions (region dependent) n/a n/a
No. of 2nd Year Summer Students 23 23
No. of 2nd Year Summer Students Offered Articling Positions 23 23
Quebec: Number of future articling students working as a 2nd year summer student n/a n/a
Atlantic: No. of articling students hired during 2nd year January recruitment n/a n/a
No. of additional articling students hired (in some regions, in addition to students hired through the summer process) n/a n/a

For Quebec and Atlantic Employers: Do you allow your articling students hired to work for you during their second year summer?

Articling Students

When do you hire articling students? If hiring, we follow the recruitment procedures set by the LSO
Do you still have any articling positions open for this year (starting 2024)? No
Do you anticipate having articling positions open for next year (starting in 2025) for external candidates outside of your current student hires (if any)? No
If so, how many positions do you anticipate having for external candidates?
Do you allow students to work during the licensing process in your jurisdiction? Yes
Description of articling program Articling students rotate through our departments and are involved in a wide variety of meaningful work. There is no work that is designated as "student work" and students are encouraged to take on significant and increasing levels of responsibility as they progress through their articles. Articling students are paired with a principal and a dedicated mentor and are placed in a mentoring pods, who together ensure that the student is exposed to a broad range of practice areas and to all aspects of practice. Articling students are encouraged to participate in all aspects of our firm culture including our professional development program, student recruitment, pro bono and social events.
Do you offer internships? No


Do you accept applications for summer/articling positions from foreign trained students/lawyers? Yes
If yes, do applicants need to have an Assessment Report from the National Committee on Accreditation (in Québec, an attestation from le Barreau du Québec) before applying? Case-by-Case
Comments We accept applications from foreign trained students/lawyers for 2nd Year Summer and Articling provided that the applicant meets the criteria set out in the LSO Recruitment Procedures.

Required Application Materials

Required Application Materials Resume
cover letter
post secondary transcripts
law school transcripts
list of upper year courses

Preferred Method of Application

Preferred Method of Application viDesktop Portal
2023 2024
How many articling students did you offer a first year lawyer position? 23 TBD
How many articling students in your articling program were seeking a position? 25 TBD
How many additional first year associates did you hire outside of your articling student program? 2 TBD
How many of the additional students clerked? 0 0